Motif Search

I want to search for transcription factor binding sites that are disrupted by potential QTNs.

In [1]:
import copy
import cPickle
import os

from Bio.Seq import Seq
import cdpybio as cpb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import MOODS
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pybedtools as pbt
import seaborn as sns
import weblogolib as logo

import cardipspy as cpy
import ciepy

from IPython.display import Image 

%matplotlib inline
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

In [2]:
outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output',

private_outdir = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'private_output',

In [4]:
# fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_processing', 'qvalues.tsv')
# qvalues = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
# qvalues.columns = ['{}_gene'.format(x) for x in qvalues.columns]
# fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'eqtl_processing', 'most_sig.tsv')
# most_sig = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)
# most_sig = most_sig.join(qvalues)
# sig = most_sig[most_sig.sig_gene]

fn = os.path.join(ciepy.root, 'output', 'functional_annotation_analysis',
encode_chip_seq = pd.read_table(fn, index_col=0)

gene_info = pd.read_table(cpy.gencode_gene_info, index_col=0)

I'll use motifs from the Kheradpour et al. 2013 paper. The columns in the Kheradpour file are ACGT.

I'm going to choose a representative motif for each TF. I'll preferentially choose the motifs from H1-hESC experiments.

In [5]:
motif_info_full_fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'motif_info_full.tsv')
motif_info_rep_fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'motif_info_rep.tsv')
matrices_fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'matrices.pickle')

if not sum([os.path.exists(x) for x in [motif_info_full_fn, motif_info_rep_fn, matrices_fn]]) == 3:
    key = []
    tf = []
    cell_line = []
    source = []
    length = []
    with open(cpy.kheradpour_motifs) as f:
        lines =
    m = lines.split('>')[1:]
    m = [x.split('\n')[:-1] for x in m]
    matrices = {}
    for x in m:
        k = x[0].split()[0]
        if 'transfac' in x[0]:
        elif 'jolma' in x[0]:
        elif 'jaspar' in x[0]:
        elif 'bulyk' in x[0]:
        t = pd.DataFrame([y.split() for y in x[1:]],
                         columns=['base', 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T'])
        t.index = t.base
        t = t.drop('base', axis=1)
        for c in t.columns:
            t[c] = pd.to_numeric(t[c])
        matrices[k] = t

    motif_info = pd.DataFrame({'tf': tf, 'cell_line': cell_line, 'source': source, 
                               'length': length}, index=key)
    motif_info.to_csv(motif_info_full_fn, sep='\t')
    with open(matrices_fn, 'w') as f:
        cPickle.dump(matrices, f)

    a = motif_info[ x: x in]
    b = a[a.cell_line == 'H1-hESC']
    b = b.drop_duplicates(subset='tf')
    a = a[a.cell_line != 'H1-hESC']
    a = a[ x: x not in]
    a['so'] = a.source.replace({'jolma': 0, 'bulyk': 1, 'transfac': 2, 
                                'jaspar': 3, 'encode': 4})
    a = a.sort_values(by='so')
    a = a.drop_duplicates(subset='tf').drop('so', axis=1)
    motif_info = pd.concat([b, a])
    motif_info.to_csv(motif_info_rep_fn, sep='\t')

In [6]:
encode_chip_seq = encode_chip_seq[ x: x in]
encode_chip_seq = encode_chip_seq.drop_duplicates(subset='target')

There are a few TF ChIP-seq datasets for which I don't have motifs. I can't find them by hand in the Kheradpour data either. I'll skip these for now.

For now, I'm going to restrict to SNVs beacuse this code was written for SNVs. I can add indels later if I'd like.

In [5]:
sig = sig[sig.vtype == 'snp']

In [6]:
lines = (sig.chrom + '\t' + sig.start.astype(str) + 
         '\t' + sig.end.astype(str) + '\t' + sig.chrom +
         ':' + sig.end.astype(str))
lines = lines.drop_duplicates()
sig_bt = pbt.BedTool('\n'.join(lines + '\n'), from_string=True)
m = max([x.shape[0] for x in matrices.values()])
sig_bt = sig_bt.slop(l=m, r=m, g=pbt.genome_registry.hg19)
seqs = sig_bt.sequence(fi=cpy.hg19)
sig_seqs = [x.strip() for x in open(seqs.seqfn).readlines()]
sig_seqs = pd.Series(sig_seqs[1::2], index=[x[1:] for x in sig_seqs[0::2]])
sig_seqs = sig_seqs.apply(lambda x: x.upper())

In [7]:
snvs = sig[['chrom', 'start', 'end', 'loc', 'marker_id']]
snvs.index = snvs['loc'].values
snvs = snvs.drop_duplicates()
snvs['ref'] = snvs.marker_id.apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[1].split('/')[0])
snvs['alt'] = snvs.marker_id.apply(lambda x: x.split('_')[1].split('/')[1])

snvs['interval'] = ''
snvs['seq'] = ''
snvs['alt_seq'] = ''
for i in sig_seqs.index:
    chrom, start, end = cpb.general.parse_region(i)
    k = '{}:{}'.format(chrom, int(end) - m)
    snvs.ix[k, 'interval'] = i
    snvs.ix[k, 'seq'] = sig_seqs[i]
    ref, alt = snvs.ix[k, ['ref', 'alt']]
    assert sig_seqs[i][m] == ref
    snvs.ix[k, 'alt_seq'] = sig_seqs[i][0:m] + alt + sig_seqs[i][m + 1:]

In [10]:
lines = (sig.chrom + '\t' + sig.start.astype(str) + 
         '\t' + sig.end.astype(str) + '\t' + sig.chrom +
         ':' + sig.end.astype(str))
lines = lines.drop_duplicates()
sig_bt = pbt.BedTool('\n'.join(lines + '\n'), from_string=True)
sig_bt = sig_bt.sort()

In [11]:
snvs_tf = pd.DataFrame(False, index=snvs.index,
for i in encode_chip_seq.index:
    c = encode_chip_seq.ix[i, 'target']
    snvs_tf[c] = False
    bt = pbt.BedTool(cpb.general.read_gzipped_text_url(encode_chip_seq.ix[i, 'narrowPeak_url']), 
    bt = bt.sort()
    res = sig_bt.intersect(bt, sorted=True, wo=True)
    for r in res:
        snvs_tf.ix['{}:{}'.format(r.chrom, r.end), c] = True

In [12]:
snv_motifs = {}
for i in snvs_tf[snvs_tf.sum(axis=1) > 0].index:
    se = snvs_tf.ix[i]
    se = se[se]
    keys = motif_info[ x: x in se.index)].index
    ms = [matrices[x].T.values.tolist() for x in keys]
    # seq_res is a dict whose keys are motif names and whose values are lists 
    # of the hits of that motif. Each hit is a tuple of (pos, score). 
    seq_res =[i, 'seq'], ms, 0.001, both_strands=True, 
                           bg=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
    seq_mres = dict(zip(keys, seq_res))
    alt_seq_res =[i, 'alt_seq'], ms, 0.001, both_strands=True, 
                               bg=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])
    alt_seq_mres = dict(zip(keys, alt_seq_res))
    sp = len(snvs.ix[i, 'seq']) / 2
    if seq_mres != alt_seq_mres:
        for k in seq_mres.keys():
            # Remove motifs where all the hits have the same score.
            if seq_mres[k] == alt_seq_mres[k]:
                # Remove individual hits that have the same score for both sequences.
                shared = set(seq_mres[k]) & set(alt_seq_mres)
                seq_mres[k] = [x for x in seq_mres[k] if x not in shared]
                alt_seq_mres[k] = [x for x in alt_seq_mres[k] if x not in shared]
                a = seq_mres[k]
                to_remove = []
                for v in a:
                    start = v[0]
                    if start < 0:
                        start = start + len(snvs.ix[i, 'seq'])
                    if not start <= sp < start + motif_info.ix[k, 'length']:
                for v in to_remove:
                seq_mres[k] = a
                a = alt_seq_mres[k]
                to_remove = []
                for v in a:
                    start = v[0]
                    if start < 0:
                        start = start + len(snvs.ix[i, 'seq'])
                    if not start <= sp < start + motif_info.ix[k, 'length']:
                for v in to_remove:
                alt_seq_mres[k] = a
        snv_motifs[i] = [seq_mres, alt_seq_mres]

In [13]:
def plot_tf_disruption(m, ref, alt, fn, title=None):
    """m is the PWM, ref is the ref sequence, alt is the alt sequence"""
    k = 'SIX5_disc2'
    alphabet = logo.corebio.seq.unambiguous_dna_alphabet
    prior = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]
    counts = m.values
    assert counts.shape[1] == 4
    assert len(ref) == len(alt) == counts.shape[0]
    ref_counts = []
    for t in ref:
        ref_counts.append([int(t.upper() == 'A'), int(t.upper() == 'C'),
                           int(t.upper() == 'G'), int(t.upper() == 'T')])
    alt_counts = []
    for t in alt:
        alt_counts.append([int(t.upper() == 'A'), int(t.upper() == 'C'),
                           int(t.upper() == 'G'), int(t.upper() == 'T')])
    counts = np.concatenate([counts, ref_counts, alt_counts])
    data = logo.LogoData.from_counts(alphabet, counts, prior=None)
    fout = open(fn, 'w')
    options = logo.LogoOptions()
    options.fineprint = ''
    if title:
        options.logo_title = title
        options.logo_title = ''
    options.stacks_per_line = m.shape[0]
    options.show_xaxis = False
    options.show_yaxis = False
    options.color_scheme = logo.ColorScheme([logo.ColorGroup("G", "orange"), 
                                             logo.ColorGroup("C", "blue"),
                                             logo.ColorGroup("A", "green"),
                                             logo.ColorGroup("T", "red")])
    logo_format = logo.LogoFormat(data, options)
    fout.write(logo.png_print_formatter(data, logo_format))
    #fout.write(logo.pdf_formatter(data, logo_format))

In [14]:
cpy.makedir(os.path.join(outdir, 'tf_plots'))
for snv in snv_motifs.keys():
    seq_mres, alt_seq_mres = snv_motifs[snv]
    for k in seq_mres.keys():
        pwm = matrices[k]
        a = seq_mres[k]
        b = alt_seq_mres[k]
        starts = set([x[0] for x in a]) | set([x[0] for x in b])
        for start in starts:
            ref_seq = snvs.ix[snv, 'seq'][start: start + motif_info.ix[k, 'length']]
            alt_seq = snvs.ix[snv, 'alt_seq'][start: start + motif_info.ix[k, 'length']]
            if start < 0:
                ref_seq = str(Seq(ref_seq).reverse_complement())
                alt_seq = str(Seq(alt_seq).reverse_complement())
            fn = os.path.join(outdir, 'tf_plots', '{}_{}_{}.png'.format(
                snv.replace(':', '_'), k, str(start).replace('-', 'neg')))
            plot_tf_disruption(pwm, ref_seq, alt_seq, fn)